Contal, M.
Marketing strategy of Tesla company by 2035 in France.
Marketing strategy of Tesla company by 2035 in France
Maxime Contal (Auteur)
Dans le cadre de mon mémoire de fin d’étude en Master 2 en école de Commerce, je m’interroge sur l’avenir de l’entreprise Tesla dans une ère ou l’électrique ne sera plus une option en France. En effet, mercredi 14 juillet 2021, la commission Européenne a annoncé l’interdiction de commercialisé des véhicules thermique et Hybrid en 2035 (LaTribune, le 9 décembre 2021). Celle-ci a été voté et approuvé officiellement le 8 juin 2022 à Strasbourg par les députés européens. Le continent européen n’est pas le seul concerné, en effet, aux Etats-unis, le président actuel Joe Biden a déclaré le 5 août 2021, l’objectif pour les fabricants automobiles d’atteindre 50% de part de marché des véhicules thermique en 2030 (Whitehouse.gov, 5 août 2021). Cette étude va être dirigé vers un Pays précurseur du sport automobile et des innovations technologiques, la France. L’entreprise Tesla qui jusqu’à présent ne faisait face qu’à un nombre limité d’entreprise concurrente en termes de voiture de sport électrique, va être confronté à des entreprises expertes dans leurs domaines dès 2035. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la stratégie marketing à adopter par l’entreprise Tesla à travers la technique des 4Ps, afin d’améliorer les ventes et garder sa position de leader dans une ère où d’autres entreprises vont concurrencer l’entreprise Tesla et les voitures de sports électriques ne seront plus une option pour les utilisateurs.
As part of my Memoir in Master 2 in Business school in France, I'm questioning myself according to the future of tesla company who manufacture partially electric sports cars. Indeed, on Wednesday, July 14th 2021, the European commission announced to ban the thermal and hybrid cars from 2035 (LaTribune, December 9th, 2021). This one has been officially approved and voted on Wednesday 8th of June 2022 by European congressman in Strasbourg city. European countries are not the only one in this project of thermal cars reductions, in the USA, the president Joe Biden announced on August 5th, 2021, the objectives for cars manufacturers to reach a sales share of 50% on thermal cars in 2030 (Whitehouse.gov, August 5th, 2021).
This study will focus on France, as a pioneer of automotive sport car, this country will be confronted to significant changes in terms of mobility. In fact, electric sports cars will not be an option from 2035, Tesla company will face competitors as much competent as the market required. Nowadays, thermal sports cars still commercialized, however, many of car companies have already started to set ranges of electric sports cars. The objective of this study is to propose a marketing strategy that Tesla could apply in order to keep its leadership position in an era where electric sports cars would not be an option.
As part of my Memoir in Master 2 in Business school in France, I'm questioning myself according to the future of tesla company who manufacture partially electric sports cars. Indeed, on Wednesday, July 14th 2021, the European commission announced to ban the thermal and hybrid cars from 2035 (LaTribune, December 9th, 2021). This one has been officially approved and voted on Wednesday 8th of June 2022 by European congressman in Strasbourg city. European countries are not the only one in this project of thermal cars reductions, in the USA, the president Joe Biden announced on August 5th, 2021, the objectives for cars manufacturers to reach a sales share of 50% on thermal cars in 2030 (Whitehouse.gov, August 5th, 2021).
This study will focus on France, as a pioneer of automotive sport car, this country will be confronted to significant changes in terms of mobility. In fact, electric sports cars will not be an option from 2035, Tesla company will face competitors as much competent as the market required. Nowadays, thermal sports cars still commercialized, however, many of car companies have already started to set ranges of electric sports cars. The objective of this study is to propose a marketing strategy that Tesla could apply in order to keep its leadership position in an era where electric sports cars would not be an option.
Note générale : |
Mémoire MGE 2022
Note : 17,6 Direction de mémoire : Mr Cozar Eric |
Langues: | Anglais |
Contal, M.
Marketing strategy of Tesla company by 2035 in France.