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ouvrageRapid growth in the tourism and hospitality industry highlights the importance of applied and pure research to address the theoretical and practical problems and gaps facing the industry daily, from a multitude of perspectives – the economic, [...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Okumus, F., Rasoolimanesh, S.M., Jahani, S. (2023). Advanced Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing Limited.ouvrageThe hospitality and tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide, with a contribution of 9% to world GDP and 10% of job creation. The fast pace of growth in this industry highlights the importance of applied and pure res[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Okumus, F., Rasoolimanesh, S.M., Jahani, S. (2023). Contemporary Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing Limited.ouvrageResponding to the trend of formulaic writing in the academic community, How To Write Differently offers a refreshing approach to academic writing in a practical format. The book explores how, in order to write differently, an author needs to e[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Kostera, M. (2022). How to write differently : a quest for meaningful academic writing. Cheltenham, : Edward Elgar.ouvrageEn e-Formation, comment se crée une « présence à distance » entre les apprenants et avec le formateur ? Cette question est peu abordée dans les écrits scientifiques et dans les manuels d'ingénierie. Or, avec le recours massif à la e-Formation, e[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
- XL Library Tours
Jézégou, A. (2022). La présence à distance en e-formation : Enjeux et repères pour la recherche et l'ingénierie. Villeneuve-d'Ascq : Presses universitaires du Septentrion.ouvrageLa 4ème de couv. indique : "Grounded theory (GT) is a popular method of research, allowing for the systematic generation of new theories or areas of enquiry from data that have themselves been systematically obtained. As a highly versatile appro[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Walsh, I., Holton, J.A.., Mourmant, G. (2020). Conducting classic grounded theory : for business and management students. Londres : Sage Pub..ouvrageCécile Clergeau Nicolas Peypoch | 2019La 4è de couv. indique : "L'extraordinaire développement du tourisme, qui représente plus de 7 % du PIB français, appelle une réflexion sur ses spécificités managériales, ainsi que sur les concepts, théories, modèles et méthodologies qui permett[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Clergeau, C., Peypoch, N. (2019). La recherche en management du tourisme.ouvrageIn Conducting Action Research, Coghlan and Shani explain how action research differs from more detached research methods and provides expert guidance on how to engage effectively with it, helping the reader to complete both a successful research[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Coghlan, D., Shani, A.B.. (2018). Conducting action research for business and management students. (1st ed.).ouvrageMarie-Laure Gavard-Perret Gotteland David Christophe Haon Alain Jolibert Christophe Haon | Paris : Pearson | 2018 3 ème éditionCet ouvrage constitue un précieux soutien à toutes les étapes d'un travail de recherche. Il porte notamment un soin tout particulier à : bien accompagner le chercheur dans la phase théorique en amont : du choix du paradigme épistémologiqu[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
- XL Library Orléans
- XL Library Tours
Gavard-perret, M.L., Gotteland david, ., Haon, C., Jolibert, A., Haon, C. (2018). Méthodologie de la recherche en sciences de gestion : Réussir son mémoire ou sa thèse. (3 ème édition). Paris : Pearson.ouvragePresenting some of the most significant research on the modern understanding of luxury, this edited collection of articles from the Journal of Brand Management explores the complex relationships consumers tie with luxury, and the unique characte[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Brexendorf, T.O., Kapferer, J.N., Kernstock, J., Powell, S.M.. (2017). Advances in Luxury Brand Management.ouvrageThis book presents cutting edge research on the development of analytics in travel and tourism. It introduces new conceptual frameworks and measurement tools, as well as applications and case studies for destination marketing and management. I[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Xiang, Z., Fesenmaier, D. (2017). Analytics in smart tourism design : Concepts and methods. Switzerland : Springer.ouvrageResearch Methods for Business Students has been fully revised for this seventh edition and continues to be the market-leading textbook in its field, guiding hundreds of thousands of student researchers to success in their research methods module[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2016). Research methods for business students. (seventh edition). Paris : Pearson.ouvrageHow can action research further new research orientations towards sustainability? This book, empirically situated in the field of upstream public engagement, involving local residents, researchers and practitioners in bottom-up processes deliber[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Egmose, J. (2015). Action research for sustainability : Social imagination between citizens and scientists. Surrey : Ashgate.ouvrage
- XL Library La Rochelle
Santos, J., Correia, M., Santos, M. (2014). Contemporary issues in Tourism & management studies : TMS conference series. Faro : Universidade do Algarve.ouvrageDepuis quelques années, le mot " évaluation " agite le monde de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur. On veut tout évaluer : les enseignants, les professeurs, les chercheurs, les programmes de formation et les universités. Les indicateurs[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Gingras, Y. (2014). Les dérives de l'évaluation de la recherche : Du bon usage de la bibliométrie. Paris : Raisons d'agir.ouvrageDorothy FOX Mary Beth Gouthro Yeganeh Morakabati John Brackstone | London, England : Routledge | 2014"Events Management is a rapidly expanding discipline with growing student numbers however currently there are no specifically focused Research Methods texts available to serve this growing cohort. Fulfilling the need for a relevant book which re[...]
- XL Library La Rochelle
Fox, D., Gouthro, M.B., Morakabati, Y., Brackstone, J. (2014). Doing events research : from theory to practice /. London, : Routledge.